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New Persian (Farsi) Books of February & March 2020

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Code: 65814  Kind of Product
A Collection of 365 Poems and Tales from Saadi

سيصد و شصت و پنج روز با سعدي
By: Hosein Mohi al-Din Elahi Ghomshehei

Subjects: literature, farsi, persian

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Price: $39.00


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Code: 41835  Kind of Product
Ahval va Aghval-e Sheykh Abolhasan Kharghani

احوال و اقوال شيخ ابوالحسن خرقاني
By: Kharghani

Subjects: iran, old text, farsi, persian, literature, poem

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Price: $39.00


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Code: 65120  Kind of Product
Ali Nameh : An Ancient Story in Verse written in 482 AH (1089 AD) by anonymous poet niknamed Rabi / Facsimile Copy

علي نامه : منظومه اي كهن سروده به سال 482 هجري قمري
By: Rabi

Subjects: literature, farsi, persian, adabiyat, sher, poem, poet

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2 Reviews

Price: $113.00


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Code: 65759  Kind of Product
Angah Pas az Tondar

آن گاه پس از تندر : منتخب هشت دفتر شعر : ارغنون زمستان آخر شاهنامه از اين اوستا در حياط كوچك پاييز در زندان زندگي مي گويد
By: Mehdi Akhavan Sales

Subjects: literature, poem, poet, farsi

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Price: $31.00


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Code: 65391  Kind of Product
Arman-khahi-ye Sa'di dar Ghalamrov-e Hokomat

آرمان خواهي سعدي در قلمرو حكومت
By: Abdol Rasol Chamankhah

Subjects: literature, persian, iran, poem, poet

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Price: $16.00


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Code: 64078  Kind of Product
Ashar-e Amiyane-ye Iran dar Asr-e Ghajari

اشعار عاميانه ايران: در عصر قاجاري
By: Valentin Alekseevich Zhoukovskii

Subjects: literature, farsi, persian, adabiyat, sher, poem, poet

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1 Reviews

Price: $26.50


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Code: 41755  Kind of Product
Ashtar-nameh-ye Attar

اشترنامه عطار نيشابوري
By: Mahdi Mohaghegh

Subjects: iran, old text, farsi, persian, literature

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Price: $47.00


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Code: 65334  Kind of Product
Ayneh-ye Jaan : Maghalati darbareh-ye Ahval va Andisheh-ha-ye Molana Jalaledin Balkhi

آينه جان : مقالاتي درباره احوال و انديشه هاي مولانا جلال الدين بلخي
By: Arash Naraghi

Subjects: literature, persian, iran, poem, poet

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Price: $16.00


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Code: 65758  Kind of Product
Az Bodan va Sorodan

از بودن و سرودن : مجموعه شعر
By: Mohammad Reza Shafiei Kadkani

Subjects: literature, poem, poet, farsi

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Price: $14.50


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Code: 65886  Kind of Product
Ba Karevan-e Helleh

با كاروان حله : مجموعه نقد ادبي با تجديد نظر در چاپهاي سابق
By: Abd al-Hosein

Subjects: literature, farsi, persian, adabiyat, sher, poem, poet

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Price: $44.00


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