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New Persian (Farsi) Books of February & March 2020

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Code: 64912  Kind of Product
al-Efadat fi Tarikh al-Aemat al-Sadat / in Arabic

الافادة في تاريخ الائمة السادة / به زبان عربي
By: Abu Taleb Yahya Ibn Hosein Haroni

Subjects: history, historical, islam

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Price: $14.00


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Code: 61355  Kind of Product
al-Mokhtasar men Kitab al-Siyagh Li-Tarikh-i Neysabor (in Arabic)

المختصر من كتاب السياق لتاريخ نيسابور: به زبان عربي
By: al-Imam al-Hafiz Abolhasan al-Farisi

Subjects: history, historicel, itinerary, iran, khorasan

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Price: $35.50


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Code: 64957  Kind of Product
al-Yamini / in Arabic

اليميني / به زبان عربي
By: Mohammad ibn Abdoljabbar Atabi

Subjects: history, historical, iran, other periods

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Price: $60.00


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Code: 60150  Kind of Product
Ancient Iranian Metalwork: in the Arthur M.Sackler Gallery & the Freer Gallery of Art

فلزكاري ايران در دوران هخامنشي ساساني و اشكاني
By: C. Gunter & Paul Jett

Subjects: history, historical, art, metal

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Price: $24.50


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Code: 65362  Kind of Product
Arab - Sasani : Sekeh-ha-ye Doreh-ye Jang-e Dakheli

عرب - ساساني : سكه هاي دوره جنگ داخلي - ماني گرايان - يزيديه و خوارج ديگر
By: Malek Iraj Moshiri

Subjects: history, historical iran, antique, coin, sekkeh, money, pol, payment, ancinet

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Price: $35.00


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Code: 61097  Kind of Product
Arab Seafaring in the Indian Ocean: In ancient times and in the early Middle Ages

دريانوردي عرب در درياي هند : در روزگار باستان و در نخستين سده هاي ميانه
By: George Fadlo ‎Hourani

Subjects: iran, history, historical, sea, marin

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Price: $50.00


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Code: 63866  Kind of Product
Astarabad Nameh

استرآباد نامه: سه سفرنامه ، وقفنامه و سرگذشت
By: Masih Zabihi

Subjects: iran, history, historical, ancient

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Price: $21.00


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Code: 41803  Kind of Product
Az Astara ta Astarabad (vol.2)

از آستارا تا استرآباد / جلد دوم
By: Manouchehr Sotodeh

Subjects: iran, old text, farsi, persian, history, historical

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Price: $43.00


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Code: 41841  Kind of Product
Az Astara ta Astarabad (vol.6)

از آستارا تا استرآباد / جلد ششم
By: Manouchehr Sotoodeh

Subjects: iran, old text, farsi, persian, history, historical

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Price: $44.50


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Code: 41842  Kind of Product
Az Astara ta Astarabad (vol.7)

از آستارا تا استرآباد / جلد هفتم
By: Manouchehr Sotoodeh

Subjects: iran, old text, farsi, persian, history, historical

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Price: $44.50


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