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Code: 57950  Kind of Product
10 Minutes time and Stress Management

ده دقيقه براي بهره وري از زمان و غلبه بر استرس
By: David Lewis

Subjects: psycology, psychiatry, psychoanalysis

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Price: $16.50


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Code: 68526  Kind of Product
15 Rouz Dar Japan

پانزده روز در ژاپن
By: Ayoub Ghafori Vayghan

Subjects: Crisis Management, Earthquake, Japan, Bam Earthquake, Earthquake Effect

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Price: $31.50


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Code: 60957  Kind of Product
7 Abzar-e Novin-e Modiriyati

هفت ابزار نوين مديريتي برنامه ريزي و اجراي طرحها
By: Mariyam Roshan Kokabha

Subjects: social scinece, management, modiriat

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Price: $14.50


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Code: 67655  Kind of Product
Ayandeh -ye Kharid Kardan-e Shoma : Rahkarhaee Modern Bara-ye Karafarini va Foroush

آينده خريد كردن شما : راهكارهايي مدرن براي كار آفريني و فروش
By: Yourg Snouk

Subjects: Self-made riches, retailers, internet marketing, shopping, the best European management booklet in 2018

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Price: $19.50


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Code: 64389  Kind of Product
Comprehensive Management Dictionary: 50000 terms and specialized words in management and related fields

فرهنگ جامع مديريت: مشتمل بر بيش از 50000 اصطلاح و واژه تخصصي
By: Davar Venous

Subjects: dictionary, english, language

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Price: $52.00


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Code: 68262  Kind of Product
Dar Edameh az Khob be Aali

در ادامه از خوب به عالي
By: Jim Collins

Subjects: Management of innovation, strategy and strategic planning

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Price: $31.50


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Code: 63476  Kind of Product
English Persian Management Dictionary

فرهنگ لغات و اصطلاحات تخصصي مديريت / انگليسي به فارسي
By: Yaghob Namayandeh

Subjects: language, zaban, farsi, persian, dictionary

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Price: $16.50


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Code: 67794  Kind of Product
Event Management in Leisure and Tourism

مديريت رويدادهاي گردشگري و اوقات فراغت
By: David C. Watt

Subjects: Special Event Management, Tourism & Tourism, Leisure, Art, Sports, Science & Commerce

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Price: $21.00


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Code: 68058  Kind of Product
Get Rid of Anger and Aggression

رهايي از خشم و پرخاشگري
By: Shahrbanoo Ghahari

Subjects: Prevention of anger and aggression

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Price: $17.00


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Code: 68729  Kind of Product
How The Chinese Got Rich

چطور چيني ها پولدار شدند
By: Gteg Clydesdale

Subjects: Economics and Management

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Price: $32.50


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