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New Persian (Farsi) Books of February & March 2020

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Code: 68204  Kind of Product

By: Masoud Behnod

Subjects: Story and novel, Iranian novel

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Price: $44.50


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Code: 69890  Kind of Product
Fehrest-e Maghalat-e Farsi Dar Zamineh-ye Tahghighat-e Irani : Majaleha Va Nashrieha : 1391 - 1393 : Volume 11

فهرست مقالات فارسي در زمينه تحقيقات ايراني : مجله ها و نشريه ها : 1391 - 1393 ، جلد يازدهم
By: Iran Naz Kashian

Subjects: كتاب شناختي, Cognitive book

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Price: $74.00


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Code: 69886  Kind of Product
Fehrest-e Maghalat-e Farsi Dar Zamineh-ye Tahghighat-e Irani : Majmoeh Yadnameha Arjnameha Jashn Nameha Kongereha : 2 Volumes

فهرست مقالات فارسي در زمينه تحقيقات ايراني : مجموعه : يادنامه ها ، ارج نامه ها ، جشن نامه ها ، كنگره ها : دو جلدي
By: Abbas Mafi

Subjects: كتاب شناختي, Cognitive book

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Price: $74.50


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Code: 65978  Kind of Product
Kholaseh-ye 50 Ketab-e Bartar dar Zamineh-ye Movafaghiyat

خلاصه 50 كتاب برتر در زمينه موفقيت
By: Tom Batler

Subjects: psycology, psychiatry, psychoanalysis, success

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Price: $28.00


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Code: 67800  Kind of Product
Maghalat-e Saeed Nafisi : Volume 1 : Dar Zamineh-ye Zaban va adab-e Farsi

مقالات سعيد نفيسي ، جلد 1 : در زمينه زبان و ادب فارسي
By: Mohammad Rasoul Daryagasht

Subjects: 14th Century Farsi Articles, Articles and Speeches, Persian Literature, Line and Language, Poetry and Prose

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Price: $27.50


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Code: 67802  Kind of Product
Maghalat-e Saeed Nafisi : Volume 3 : Dar Zamineh-ye Tarikh Tasavof Farhang va Adab-e Iran

مقالات سعيد نفيسي ، جلد 3 : در زمينه تاريخ ، تصوف ، فرهنگ و ادب ايران
By: Masoud Erfanian

Subjects: Persian Articles, 14th Century, Articles and Sermons, Persian Literature, Ancient Iran, Islamic Times, Christianity, Celebrations and Rites, Qajar Period, Archeology and Art, Geography of History and Sufism

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Price: $43.50


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Code: 63462  Kind of Product
Maghalat-e Saeid Nafisi dar Zamineh-ye Zaban va Adab-e Farsi

مقالات سعيد نفيسي در زمينه زبان و ادب فارسي
By: Saeid Nafisi

Subjects: literature, farsi, persian, adabiyat

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Price: $24.00


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Code: 63711  Kind of Product
Majmoeh-ye Maghalat dar Zamineh-ye Bastan-shenasi / Vol.1

مجموعه مقالات در زمينه باستان شناسي / جلد اول
By: Mohammad Taghi Mostafavi Kashani

Subjects: history, historical, ancient, iran, iranology, archaeology

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Majmoeh-ye Maghalat dar Zamineh-ye Bastan-shenasi / Vol.2
iranology iran ايران ايران شناسي archaeology bastan bastani ancient باستان باستاني شناسي
Our Price: $28.50

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Price: $23.00


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Code: 63712  Kind of Product
Majmoeh-ye Maghalat dar Zamineh-ye Bastan-shenasi / Vol.2

مجموعه مقالات در زمينه باستان شناسي / جلد دوم
By: Mohammad Taghi Mostafavi Kashani

Subjects: history, historical, ancient, iran, iranology, archaeology

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Majmoeh-ye Maghalat dar Zamineh-ye Bastan-shenasi / Vol.1
iranology iran ايران ايران شناسي archaeology bastan bastani ancient باستان باستاني شناسي
Our Price: $23.00

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Price: $28.50


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Code: MAP370  Kind of Product
perfect map of New Tehran (with Lamineh cover)

نقشه تهران جديد و كامل لامينه شده

Subjects: map, giudebook, guidance

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Price: $13.00


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