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Code: 60333  Kind of Product
Contemporary History of Iran: Constitutional

تاريخ معاصر ايران : پيرامون مشروطه و مسائل مربوط به آن
By: Moaseseh-ye Motaleat-e Tarikh-e Moasere-e Iran

Subjects: history, historical, iran, qajar

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Price: $18.00


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Code: 61951  Kind of Product
Hekayat-e Pir va Javan

حكايت پير و جوان: داستاني ساده و زيبا به قلم ناصرالدين شاه
By: Naser al-din Shah

Subjects: story book, iran, irani, persian, farsi, literature

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3 Reviews

Price: $22.00


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Code: 61877  Kind of Product
History of Dasht-e Moghan

تاريخ دشت مغان
By: Mir Nabi Azizzadeh

Subjects: iran, iranology, iranshenasi, iran-shenasi, city, history

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Price: $33.00


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Code: 59434  Kind of Product
Pahlavi-ha / 3 vols.

پهلويها: خاندان پهلوي به روايت اسناد / 3 جلدي
By: Farhad Rostami

Subjects: history, historical, iran, pahlavi

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Price: $80.00


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Code: 61416  Kind of Product
Sazman-e Zanan-e Iran

سازمان زنان ايران
By: Homeyra Ranjbar Omrani

Subjects: woman, women, feminism, feminin, iran, history

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Price: $16.50


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Code: 62524  Kind of Product
The Coins of Siraf

سكه هاي سيراف
By: Morteza Ghasem Beglo

Subjects: antique, iran, coin, sekkeh, money, pol, payment, ancinet, history

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Price: $29.00


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Code: 59346  Kind of Product
Yaddasht-ha-ye yek Roznameh-negar

يادداشتهاي يك روزنامه نگار: از نگاه ابوالحسن عميدي نوري
By: Mokhtar Hadidi

Subjects: history, historical, iran, pahlavi

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Price: $25.50



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