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Code: 68384  Kind of Product
Analysis of the Verbal System in The Sogdian Language

تحليل ساختاري فعل در زبان سغدي
By: Badrolzaman Gharib

Subjects: Grammar, Sogdian language

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Price: $39.00


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Code: 61797  Kind of Product
Bundahisn : Zoroastrische Kosmogonic und Kosmologies

By: Fazlolah Pakzad

Subjects: dictionary, farsi, persian, language

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Price: $30.00


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Code: 60802  Kind of Product
Comprehensive History of Iran / 20 volumes

تاريخ جامع ايران / 20 جلدي
By: Group

Subjects: history, historical, iran

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Price: $1,500.00


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Code: 68645  Kind of Product
Dayeratol Maaref-e Bozorg-e Eslami : Dalael al-Naboh Resaleh-ye Delgosha : in Persian And Arabic And Engelish language : Volume 24

دائرة المعارف بزرگ اسلامي : دلائل النبوه ، رساله دلگشا : سه زبانه : فارسي ، عربي ، انگليسي : جلد 24
By: Kazem Mosavi Bojnordi

Subjects: Culture and Encyclopedia, Iran and Islam

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Price: $77.50


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Code: 69890  Kind of Product
Fehrest-e Maghalat-e Farsi Dar Zamineh-ye Tahghighat-e Irani : Majaleha Va Nashrieha : 1391 - 1393 : Volume 11

فهرست مقالات فارسي در زمينه تحقيقات ايراني : مجله ها و نشريه ها : 1391 - 1393 ، جلد يازدهم
By: Iran Naz Kashian

Subjects: كتاب شناختي, Cognitive book

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Price: $74.00


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Code: 69886  Kind of Product
Fehrest-e Maghalat-e Farsi Dar Zamineh-ye Tahghighat-e Irani : Majmoeh Yadnameha Arjnameha Jashn Nameha Kongereha : 2 Volumes

فهرست مقالات فارسي در زمينه تحقيقات ايراني : مجموعه : يادنامه ها ، ارج نامه ها ، جشن نامه ها ، كنگره ها : دو جلدي
By: Abbas Mafi

Subjects: كتاب شناختي, Cognitive book

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Price: $74.50


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Code: 58647  Kind of Product
Fehrest-e Noskheh-ha-ye Aksi-ye Ketabkhaneh-ye Makaze Dayeratolmaaref-e Bozorge Eslami

فهرست نسخه هاي عكسي كتابخانه مركز دايرة المعارف بزرگ اسلامي
By: Ahmad Monzavi

Subjects: iran, book, biblio, farsi, persian, bibliography, library

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Price: $43.50


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Code: 67244  Kind of Product
Fehrest-e Noskhehha-ye Aksi : az Shomareh-ye 501 - 1000 : Volume3

فهرست نسخه هاي عكسي : از شماره 501 - 1000 : جلد سوم
By: Ahmad Monzavi

Subjects: literature

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Price: $22.50


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Code: 67399  Kind of Product
Ganj-e Goharha-ye masnavi

گنج گوهر هاي مثنوي
By: Homayoun Sanatizadeh

Subjects: Literature, Mowlana, Poetry

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Price: $28.00


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Code: 67366  Kind of Product
Goftarhayee dar Tarikh va Farhang

گفتارهايي در تاريخ و فرهنگ : مجموعه مقالات دكتر مجتبايي
By: Mitra Hasani

Subjects: Literature

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Price: $48.00


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