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Code: 56936  Kind of Product
Decorative Mosaics

موزائيكهاي تزئيني
By: Elin Godwin

Subjects: art, iran, ancient, islam, islamic, architecture, tile

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Price: $16.50


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Code: 58618  Kind of Product
Handicraft Bibliography

كتابشناسي صنايع دستي
By: Fatemeh Majidi

Subjects: iran, book, biblio, farsi, persian, ancient

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Price: $19.50


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Code: 63078  Kind of Product
History of Iranian Costume

تاريخ پوشاك ايران: نگرشي بر پوشاك ايرانيان از هزاره پنجم پيش از ميلاد تا اواخر دوره هخامنشيان
By: Parichehr Rahimi

Subjects: craft, history, iran, cloth, textile

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An 8000 Years History of Persian Costume
craft history historical textile cloth clothing poshak پوشاك iran لباس البسه ايران لباس پوشاك بافتني بافته پشم بافندگي ريسندگي نساجي craft lebas poshak tarikh tarikhi iran
Our Price: $59.50

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Price: $28.00


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Code: 57528  Kind of Product
Knowledge on Iranian Music

شناخت موسيقي ايران
By: Taghi Binesh

Subjects: music, musical, history, iran

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Price: $13.00


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Code: 57324  Kind of Product
Principals of Fabric Analysis

اصول تجزيه پارچه و طرحهاي رنگي
By: Farideh Talebpoor

Subjects: craft, textile

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Price: $13.00


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Code: 57568  Kind of Product
Rhythmic Structure in Iranian Music / in English Language

ساختار ريتم در موسيقي ايراني / به زبان انگليسي
By: Mohammad Reza Azadehfar

Subjects: music, musical, iran

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Price: $55.00


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Code: 56839  Kind of Product
Selected Articles of the Second International Conference on Mosque, Architecture (2 vols.)

مجموعه مقالات دومين كنگره بين المللي معماري مساجد افق آينده / دو جلدي

Subjects: art, iranian art, islam, islamic, painting, design

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Price: $33.50


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Code: 57173  Kind of Product
Street Theater & �

تئاتر خياباني و انواع ديگر نمايشهاي خياباني
By: Bim Meyson

Subjects: cinema, film, director, iran, teather

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Price: $19.50



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